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Oliver Berg Oliver Berg
studied Psychology at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, university degree: Diplom-Psychologe, 1999-2013 Director of the Institute Intelligenz System Transfer Berlin, since 2014 Director of the Institute Teamhafen, Organizational Development, research, coaching and training section
Andrea Herhold  Andrea Herhold
studied Psychology at the  FernUniversität in Hagen, university degree: Bachelor of Science, Bachelor and Master of Arts in European Media Sciences, since 2015 in the team, Communication Psychology, Health Psychology, Psychological Health Care on the job, Stress Assessment, Stress-, Burnout- and Anxiety Management and Prevention; Working Psychology; Job-, Health oriented and Individual Coaching.
Silvia Tietz Silvia Tietz
studied Psychology at the  Fernuniversität Hagen and the Psychologische
Hochschule Berlin. university degree: Master of Science. Finished Banking Education. Since 2018 in the team, coaching and training
Nick Meyer Nick Meyer
studied Psychology at the  EBC Hochschule Berlin, university degree: Bachelor of Arts, since 2015 in the team, training, coaching and consulting
Clara Bersch Clara Bersch
studied Psychology at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (B.Sc.) and the Universität zu Köln, university degree: Master of Science. study abroad  in USA und Great Britain, since 2018 part of the team, training, coaching and consulting

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